55 Minutes - $70

This 55-minute hypnosis session is a mini retreat designed to have you feeling as though you have spent the day at a spa. Wash away tension – let go of the busy-mind-worries. Experience the power of hypnosis through deep relaxation. Relieve stress and gain clarity. HypnoSpa is a great introduction to this transformational work. Offered remotely only.



90 minutes for $160 - $190

Shamanic Hypnosis is a potent way to clear clutter from your physical, emotional, mental & spiritual self so you can feel you best. When you feel stuck in a rut or feel at a loss everything seems more challenging. Combined techniques of hypnosis, shamanic healing arts and simple rituals help keep you grounded no matter what’s going on in your world.




This 4-Session Intensive package is to be done within an 8-week period.

Together we create a container of change for potent personal growth work. Expertly guided you’ll connect directly to your inner wisdom and tap into your bottomless well of insight and support.

This 8-week transformative experience includes:

  • Energetic cleansing rituals known as limpias

  • Balancing breath-work processes

  • Working with abundant spiritual energies

  • connecting with your highest inner wisdom & personal healing guides

Hypnosis is a powerful and safe way to access this personal power.

This special 4-Session Shamanic Hypnosis Package includes:

  • 30-minute consultation

  • *Four 90-minute transformational sessions

This special is an intensive dive into changing your life and must be booked once weekly or every other week for this rate. (*1st session may be a bit longer)



2.5 Hours for $275 - $400

(PLEASE NOTE: a 30 minute consult is required prior to booking this intensive session)

A past life regression (PLR) hypnotherapy session is an exploration of your soul’s extensive journey. This safe container is expertly guided and allows you to travel the powerful timeline of your soul. In a state of deep relaxation you will go back to another life (or lives) to gain a better understanding of yourself and your highest purpose in this life. Through Past Life Regression work it is possible to release contracts or commitments from other lives that may hinder the life you are living now. In addition, you may integrate gifts or fields of expertise from another lifetime into your current life. It is possible to glean understanding of body ailments, fears/phobias and with this insight, reduce the issue and in some cases, clear them all together. Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy is deeply nourishing, supportive spiritual work. To embellish your experience Jnana integrates ritual and other shamanic aspects to amplify this spiritually aligned work.

Book your 30-minute consultation so we can begin.


Expressing Their Inner Fire:


I am so grateful for the gift it is to work with Jnana.  Her healing offerings have assisted me so much and all-ways at the perfect time; her work has supported growth and buoyed my inner strength during rough patches.  Doing two 4-Session Packages of Shamanic Hypnosis with her was very moving, and just what I needed to carry me through a difficult time in life. Her healing manner is very caring, intuitive and sensitive and I felt very safe throughout the whole experience.  With her guidance, I was able to go deep and work directly with some parts of myself that were calling for attention and I came out the other end a more confident, discerning, connected, free and empowered being. 

- Amelea C. , Educator


Jnana Gowan has a great deal of knowledge as a guide in shamanic journeying and shamanic hypnosis. She is very skilled in eliciting a pre-journey conversation about issues to address while one is in the inner worlds.  She knows just what questions to ask, and where and when to not ask.  In session, while traversing the inner worlds, she guides without directing.  That’s the kind of skill I need with a hypnotherapist. During the course of our 4 Session package what I thought I wanted to “work” on shifted naturally.  This was not because of anything Jnana said or did.  Instead, it was because of the container she provided. I highly recommend Jnana Gowan and look forward to working with her again and again.

- Sara Diamond, Lawyer & Astrologer 


I recently worked with Jnana utilizing her unique shamanistic hypnosis approach.  She is a wonderful teacher who supported me during our work together in a graceful and loving manner. I was particularly assisted during a womb regression session whereby I was able to connect with my star family and better understand my purpose here at this time.  I plan to continue working with Jnana in the future as I navigate my personal path towards evolution and growth. 

- Patricia G. , Licensed Social worker & Therapist