Hello – I am truly grateful that you’ve stopped by. 

I am Jnana (pronounced gyana) and my superpower is assisting you through times of personal growth and change. I offer spiritual counsel, shamanic services where I feature Shamanic Hypnosis. We can meet in-person or virtually, local or worldwide. Wherever you are, I am ready to be a trustworthy guide on your adventure of personal transformation.



I know that whether you are CEO of your household, a serious entrepreneur or the head honcho of an organization - having confidence and clarity is the key to staying steady during these powerful and changing times. 

 I’m familiar with the feeling of overwhelm: unending to do lists, dealing with technology, navigating the uncertainty in our world today… if it feels like a lot, it’s because it is.



But what if I told you the answers you seek to live a full and balanced life are already inside you?  It’s true, and working together we’ll unlock, access and integrate this insight so that you are grounded, you feel your best and are nourishing your soul.

Now is the time to step into your power, into your most authentic self to be of service in whatever ways you are meant to. You are ready to soar; ready to release those parts of yourself that may be holding you back, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
You can do it!


Seeking balance has been my life’s work. 

For more than 25 years I have been on a healing path of clearing my own internal clutter on all levels. 

I was born with a plethora of energy and I’ve always been a big feeler with big feelings.  I recognize the internal talk of being too much while at the same time feeling like not enough.

Because of these conflicting feelings, I searched for solutions early on to feel balanced and connected. With the help of many resources, now I harness the excess energy to my advantage and use it in my healing arts practice. I am here to assist you no matter where you are on your path.



Working with me means you are saying Yes! to:

  • Igniting your inner fire

  • Being ready to resolve old wounds

  • Living an empowered & balanced life.

 I want to share these powerful tools of change, and doing so you’ll:

  • Learn shamanic earth honoring rituals & practices to keep you grounded

  • Expand your relationship with the natural world

  • Experience deep healing with my expression of transpersonal hypnotherapy; Shamanic Hypnosis

    So, let’s get to work!

    I am so happy you are here.


What They Have Said:


“I was at a turning point in my life when I did a shamanic hypnosis session with Jnana. The session was deep, and allowed to delve into my subconscious and bring to light the elements that needed to be addressed that I hadn’t realized were obstructing me from being able to move forward and find clarity. I can say that she contributed to me reuniting with my partner and helped me see what was really true.”

- Carly Ko, Artist, Massage Therapist

“Your session was super powerful! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your skillful work creating that sacred space for such a deep transformative experience. I am still feeling the vibration of vitality that was given to me in the session.” 

- Susan Shloss, Money Wisdom Coaching

“My shamanic hypnosis session with Jnana resulted in deep healing of a lifelong problem. It changed my outlook on life and ultimately changed me as a person in many positive ways. Through this work I’ve gained access to my personal world within that helps me interpret my outside world. I’ve gained more compassion and presence in the midst of the adversities of my life. She taught me self-hypnosis and I’ve found it an amazing resource for growth and self-exploration. I’m so appreciative of the knowledge that Jnana has shared with me.”

- Lisa C. Santa Barbara, CA

“Jnana Gowan is a dedicated teacher and a true healer.”

- Susan M.