Whether you are gathering face to face or virtually Jnana is a maestra at holding transformational space.

In 2022, she has joined Hudson Mind Body Spirit of Edgewater NJ and offers (virtual) monthly group healing shamanic hypnosis experiences.

Check the calendar for other group offerings.


Their Voices : Client Testimonials


Their Voices : Client Testimonials 〰️

What I really noticed was how comfortable I feel at your gatherings. It’s as if all the different parts of me are welcome and accepted. I appreciate the container you create and the style in which you lead. Your gatherings feel both grounded and connected to the other worlds.

- April


The day after my first journey (or experience with shamanism) I realized something big had shifted.  I’d been driven by anxiety in a physical and emotional way for decades, and (after the journey event) it seemed that this was over.  I didn’t want to make a big deal about it, so just enjoyed the experience and tried not to get too attached, thinking the anxiety and it’s influence over me would probably return.  That was four months ago and it hasn’t returned. 

- John L. Acupuncturist Albany, CA