Awakening Your Shamanic Self

Aligning Your Soul’s Purpose

Next Apprenticeship! September 7, 2024

I am so glad you are here. Now is the time to discover your brightest inner light. It’s time to live with more balance & in your purpose. Let’s begin.

Shamanic Apprenticeship Program with Jnana Gowan

Are you ready to feel grounded with a sense of peace and purpose? 

Join me and immerse yourself into earth honoring rituals & shamanic practices designed to support you on your path of healing and growth.



to the flow of life. Let go of inner resistance. Integrate sacred reciprocity (ayni) and powerful, life changing processes into your life.


a sense of  “coming home” as you discover and connect with the powers of the natural world.

Cultivate Confidence 

as you practice and learn simple healing techniques for yourself and/or your community.


Are you in the shamanic or healing arts looking to expand your toolkit?
Does your inner self yearn for a deeper connection to Spirit?
Perhaps you’re in transformation, seeking a roadmap and know there’s something inside you that wants to make a difference in this ever-changing world?

WELCOME. Wherever you are on your path, this in-person shamanic apprenticeship offers clear wisdom and powerful tools of guidance so you can stay grounded and clear no matter what is happening in the world.

Please note:  We’ll explore the power of nature, therefore, you must be able to hike one mile of moderate terrain

Gain Freedom from old Patterns 
You will learn:

* Shamanic Journeying
* Shamanic Hypnosis
* Ritual arts: Limpias, haywaricuy/despacho


Discover the Power of the Portal

* Create your own sacred altar 
* Construct an apacheta, (stone cairn) as a healing power point


Meet & Commune

* With unseen beings & nature spirits   
* Your Nature Parents  
* Lineage and land ancestors


Harness your Power of Intention

* Learn ceremonial etiquette to amplify containers energy 

“Jnana is a rare teacher who combines impeccability, focus, sincerity, lived experience & humor in her teaching.” - Cori P. Psychologist, El Cerrito, CA

Hello Friend-

I am Jnana Gowan ((gyana) and if you are leaning in to this it’s because your inner “Change-Maker” is ready to expand! I am ready to serve your souls expansion. 

I have been in the healing arts for several decades now and have been a seeker – an apprentice – and a lost lamb.  I know what it’s like to go from caterpillar to butterfly and how blessed I was to have great guides helping me along the way. 

The time in the cocoon phase can be intense, and I would be honored to be your seasoned guide, holding space (and rooting you on) as you BECOME.

Allow me to share my insights with you so you can take flight with ease and grace –

This apprenticeship offers helpful and healing techniques and a community of like-minded folks that are in their own “becoming” process.

This world needs you. If not now, then when?? 

Let’s do it!

“If you are looking for a totally authentic person who conducts powerful healing and grounding ceremony you have found one in Jnana Gowan. She radiates sweet kindness and heart opening compassion whilst being grounded, upright and honest. I can hardly recommend her highly enough, she is an exceptional human being - do not hesitate!” Nina, Napa CA


What you get: 

In addition, you will:

  • Learn shamanic arts & healing practices for your personal or professional life.

  • Get out into the “Field”(i.e. nature field trips in the Bay Area) and connect with the natural world & nature beings. 
    Please note:  You must be able to hike one mile of moderate terrain

  • A community of like-minded folks that embrace non-ordinary realties!


When: Please note-these dates subject to change until Aug 1st 2024

SATURDAYS 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

  • Session 1: September 7, 2024

  • Session 2: October 5, 2024

  • Session 3: November 2, 2024

  • Session 4: December 7, 2024

  • Session 5: January 11, 2025

  • Session 6: February 14, 2025

Gather in Person

Where: Canyon House, Richmond Hills/Field trip destinations in Bay Area

Cost: Balance Point shamanism offers a sliding scale rate as a way to serve more folks interested in this powerful work. Please choose the rate that best suites your situation.   

Please note: 

  • We do not meet in person in November

  • Payment choices: pay in full or choose monthly auto-pay via PayPal or your Bank


$250 for Early Bird discount date FULL MOOM-Monday Aug. 19th, non-refundable deposit to hold your place.

$300 non-refundable deposit to hold your place after Aug 19

Sliding Scales rates:  (Cost may increase if Apprenticeship exceeds 6 sessions…stay tuned!!!)      

  • $950 or $162.50 Per month for 4 months (payments Nov-Feb)

  • $1100 or $200.00 Per month for 4 months

  • $1250 or $237.50 Per month for 4 months

  • $1400 or $275.00 Per month for 4 months

Apprenticeship Curriculum

The Importance of Sacred Space, Creating a powerful Container and Sacred Reciprocity – i.e. Ayni

To begin your journey, you will create your own portal of support; a sacred altar/mesa. This initiation offers insight and experience and an anchor into understanding the importance of creating a container to work within. Once consecrated, your shamanic self will practice the ritual art of limpias; cleansing and clearing energies (hucha) that no longer serve you.

Living Seasonally – Listening to the rhythms of the Universe

The Queen of Heaven, our beautiful Moon- Mama KIlla, is a constant example of cyclical living. This session includes the powerful wisdom she offers daily. As we move towards winter, we attune to the energies of the upcoming Solstice. Guest Speaker, Julia Goerlitz, artist, herbalist, health educator offers her course “Bear Ways” to guide us into seasonal living. This weekend offers processes & rituals as helpful tools to anchor these cosmic rhythms deep into our bones.

The Importance of Offerings and Ritual: meeting your Nature Parents as you learn the language of the Universe.

The Qero Indian of the Andes state that we are born into this world with biological parents AND with Nature Parents.

We begin our new year with high ceremony of a despacho, or a  haywacuy. In our highest forms of gratitude we create a despacho to honor our Nature Parents and all the blessings of this life. Our Nature Parents are here to support every step on this earth walk, this day includes the initiation of journeying to meet your Nature Mother and Father.

Grandma is that you? Understanding our relationship with Ancestors

This session is a deep dive into the relationships of those that have gone before us; both land and lineage ancestors. This spiritual insight offers healing not only of your past but healing of the future too. Supportive work this weekend includes rituals for the dead and Shamanic Hypnosis with an emphasis on ancestral healing.

Shadow and Trigger  - The Realms of the Subconscious world – aka the Ukhu Pacha
This weekend we drop into the Ukhu Pacha, the lower realms. Discussion includes learning about this ripe terrain as well as the medicine of shadow work and being in trigger. As spiritual initiates it is key to be vulnerable as well as acknowledge that we have blind spots, (shadow). The lower realms is a rich composting area that assists us to grow and change, and perhaps find ways to make friends with discomfort. Maestra Freesia Huth, Shamanic Dance Specialist & Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist joins us this day to offer somatic support, wisdom & guidance.

Traversing the Worlds

This session offers the opportunity to understand the 3 worlds we live in: the Lower, Ukhupacha, the place of inner realms and subconscious transformation, the middle Kaypacha, our physical world, and upper the, Hanaq’pacha, where elevated beings reside and work from. Our job as earth stewards is to maintain the balance of these worlds.

This apprenticeship is an invitation to:

  • Create a clear intention of your life’s purpose

  • Be held by the beauty & power of nature & spirit

  • Open to magic!

Let’s do it…
I look forward to seeing you there.

Client Testimonials:

"Jnana walks with purpose. Teaches with purpose." -Shoshana Klein, Albany, CA Chef & LCSW

Jnana Gowan is a dedicated teacher and a true healer.  

- Susan M.


Client Testimonials